Step 1: @ your controller action
1. @ your controller call validate of your model and return a json object if form is invalid
2. @ your view break this json object (OR traverse through it) and show the error messages under respective elements of the form.
For more refer please go to the link . Thanks to riyazMuhammed
public function actionMyAction() { $model=new User; $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if(isset($_POST['User'])) { $model->attributes=$_POST['User']; $valid=$model->validate(); if($valid){ //do anything here echo CJSON::encode(array( 'status'=>'success' )); Yii::app()->end(); } else{ $error = CActiveForm::validate($model); if($error!='[]') echo $error; Yii::app()->end(); } } }Step 2: @ your view Your form may look like this
<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array( 'id'=>'user-form', 'enableAjaxValidation'=>true, 'action'=>$this->createUrl('myController/MyAction'), 'enableClientValidation'=>true, )); ?> <div class="errorMessage" id="formResult"></div> <div id="AjaxLoader" style="display: none"> <img src="<?php echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl; ?> /images/spinner.gif"></img></div> <div class="row-user-single"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'attribute1'); ?> <?php echo $form->passwordField($model,'attribute1', array('size'=>60,'maxlength'=>500)); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model,'attribute1'); ?> </div> <div class="row-user-single"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'attribute2'); ?> <?php echo $form->passwordField($model,'attribute2', array('size'=>60,'maxlength'=>500)); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model,'attribute2'); ?> </div> <div class="buttons"> <?php echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('Save', CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('myController/MyAction','render'=>true)), array( 'dataType'=>'json', 'type'=>'post', 'success'=>'function(data) { $("#AjaxLoader").hide(); if(data.status=="success"){ $("#formResult").html("form submitted successfully."); $("#user-form")[0].reset(); } else{ $.each(data, function(key, val) { $("#user-form #"+key+"_em_").text(val); $("#user-form #"+key+"_em_").show(); }); } }', 'beforeSend'=>'function(){ $("#AjaxLoader").show(); }' ),array('id'=>'mybtn','class'=>'class1 class2')); ?> <?php $this->endWidget();?>there are only two things to be noted as follows:
1. @ your controller call validate of your model and return a json object if form is invalid
2. @ your view break this json object (OR traverse through it) and show the error messages under respective elements of the form.
For more refer please go to the link . Thanks to riyazMuhammed
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