Monday, September 17, 2012

Some interesting facts about PHP.

1) It is possible to use PHP in almost every operating system. PHP can be used in all major operating systems including Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and RISC OS.

2) PHP uses procedural programming or object oriented programming and also a mixture of them.

3) PHP is installed on over 20 million websites and 1 million web servers.

4) 75% of Web 2.0 sites are built in PHP.

5) There are about 5 million PHP developers worldwide.

6) The latest release of PHP till now is 5.3.0. It was released on Jun 30, 2009. PHP 6 is under development alongside PHP 5. Major changes include the removal of register_globals, magic quotes, and safe mode. The reason for the removals was that register_globals had given way to security holes, and magic quotes had an unpredictable nature, and was best avoided.

7)  Some of the biggest online brands, such as Facebook, ProProfs, Digg, Friendster, Flickr, Technorati, and Yahoo! are powered by PHP.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks lot.i learn some interesting points about PHP.
