Different ways of removing empty array slots in PHP.
Removing empty array slots in PHP, leaving holes in the array.
A quick way to remove empty elements from an array is using array_filter without a callback function. This will also remove 0s (zeroes) though.
$myArray = array_filter( $myArray );
Alternatively, array_diff allows you to decide which elements to keep. The following example will only remove empty strings, but keep 0
$myArray = array_diff($myArray, array(''));
Removing empty array slots in PHP, and compacting the array
Both functions leave ‘gaps’ where the empty entries used to be:
$myArray = array( 0, 'red', '', 'blue');
[1] => 'red'
[3] => 'blue'
print_r(array_diff($myArray, array('')));
[0] => 0
[1] => 'red'
[3] => 'blue'
array_slice can remove those gaps:
$myArray = array(0, 'red', '', 'blue');
$myArray = array_filter($myArray);
print_r(array_slice($myArray, 0));
[0] => 'red'
[1] => 'blue'
see whether it is faster than a loop.
One more example
$data = array(42, "foo", 96, "", 100.96, "php");
// Filter each value of $data through the function is_numeric
$numeric_data = array_filter($data, "is_numeric");
// Re-key the array so the keys are sequential and numeric (starting at 0)
$numeric_data = array_values($numeric_data);
// Print out the new, filtered data
The output from above is:
[0] => 42
[1] => 96
[2] => 100.96
Removing empty array slots in PHP, leaving holes in the array.
A quick way to remove empty elements from an array is using array_filter without a callback function. This will also remove 0s (zeroes) though.
$myArray = array_filter( $myArray );
Alternatively, array_diff allows you to decide which elements to keep. The following example will only remove empty strings, but keep 0
$myArray = array_diff($myArray, array(''));
Removing empty array slots in PHP, and compacting the array
Both functions leave ‘gaps’ where the empty entries used to be:
$myArray = array( 0, 'red', '', 'blue');
[1] => 'red'
[3] => 'blue'
print_r(array_diff($myArray, array('')));
[0] => 0
[1] => 'red'
[3] => 'blue'
array_slice can remove those gaps:
$myArray = array(0, 'red', '', 'blue');
$myArray = array_filter($myArray);
print_r(array_slice($myArray, 0));
[0] => 'red'
[1] => 'blue'
see whether it is faster than a loop.
One more example
$data = array(42, "foo", 96, "", 100.96, "php");
// Filter each value of $data through the function is_numeric
$numeric_data = array_filter($data, "is_numeric");
// Re-key the array so the keys are sequential and numeric (starting at 0)
$numeric_data = array_values($numeric_data);
// Print out the new, filtered data
The output from above is:
[0] => 42
[1] => 96
[2] => 100.96